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Dr. Majeed Al-Ghazi

Company Name Dr. Majeed Al-Ghazi
Contact Person
Mobile One
Mobile Two
Phone One 07716654445
Phone Two 07519491966
City Tikrit
Address Tikrit - Al-Insha'iya Street - Taiba Medical Complex, opposite the parking building
Specialization Consultant oncology and gastrointestinal surgery - general surgery specialty

About company

Consultant oncology and gastrointestinal surgery American Board of General and Laparoscopic Surgery Fellow of the British Royal College of Surgeons Treating gastrointestinal tumors - liver tumors - breast tumors - thyroid tumors with the latest surgical methods and safe methods Fistula, hemorrhoids and anal fungus operations using the latest laser technology developed through international research and studies.

Contact Info

  • Iraq-Baghdad

About us

Our company is characterized by having a professional team for e-marketing with high efficiency because of our high education, long experience, efficiency and creativity.

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