World Marketing Company

Back Medical Gate / Breast Diseases and Oncology Consulting Clinic

Breast Diseases and Oncology Consulting Clinic

Company Name Breast Diseases and Oncology Consulting Clinic
Contact Person
Mobile One 07810933313
Mobile Two 07710933313
Phone One
Phone Two
City Baghdad
Address Baghdad - Al-Harithiya Al-Kindi Street in front of Amna Al-Sheikhly Pharmacy - first floor above
Specialization Center for the treatment of tumors and breast diseases

About company

And the treatment of the disease and the symptoms of the disease and the symptoms of the disease and the symptoms of the disease and the symptoms of the disease and the treatment of the disease This academic center from a university includes about 15 doctors in specialties related to breast. This center is the first in the country

Contact Info

  • Iraq-Baghdad

About us

Our company is characterized by having a professional team for e-marketing with high efficiency because of our high education, long experience, efficiency and creativity.

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